Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Actions do speak louder than words

It’s been a while since my last posting- I know. But I’m back now :)

The other day our dear CEEDer from China, Elaine and I were talking about people in general and then we narrowed down to a certain group of people -friends. That seems like such a normal, common word, something we may not give to too much thought to.

I have come across a lot of people who call every person they have ever had a conversation with a ‘good friend.’ Elaine told me about this system of levels that she has- depending on which level the person is, the correct amount of information is parted with or the correct amount of EFFORT will be put in, into making it a good one.

‘Actions speak louder than words’

That is a statement that I truly believe in. Friendship requires a certain amount of effort, effort = actions. Whether it is meeting someone for coffee or even just taking the time make call them up. Anybody can say the nicest and most flattering things, to make ones day. But the real test is being there for someone when we really need them, and not only when we have reasons to celebrate.

Something that I have recently realized, a good friend and a good leader have something in common. Both types are there for their friends/team-mates when times get tough, to help out, and are not just there to celebrate the success/victory.

I don’t know about most people, but I have met a few people, who when betrayed by a ‘good friend’, tend to lose faith in people and become cynical- to an extent I understand what their argument is. If a good friend can do that what would stop anybody else?!?!?! But Elaine told me that you are being unfair to other people you may meet, by simply putting them on the same level as ‘the betrayers.’ In doing so, you may actually miss out on something/someone who is a gem of a person. But then how do we know right?? That is something we need to figure out on our own- a friend won’t hurt you, time and time again. After all actions speak louder than words…